
Wow Global Cooldown Hack 3.3.5

Wow Global Cooldown Hack 3.3.5 9,4/10 4508reviews
Wow Global Cooldown Hack 3.3.5

World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. Heroes Global Championship. What is the best Cooldown addon? UI and Macro. GHT is a helping addon to hunt down players who use the famous GCD (global cooldown). The aim of this addon is to ban the GCD hack from WoW.

[Functions (Private)] These functions must be used on Private servers only (Never use it on live server!) Overall speed: Modify all speeds (walking, running, swimming, flying, etc) Speed: Running and swimming speed (default = 7) (100% = 14) in percents: Display your speed in% (for example, if you put the speed to 14, it will display 100%. That mean Speed 14 = 100% epic mount) Fly Mod: Allow you to fly (default = 7) (280% = 26.6) (310% = 28.7) Freeze Z: Allow you to walk at the same heigh without falling NoClip 1: Your character can go through EVERYTHING (even ground). It's higly advisable to use this function with Freeze Z or Fly mod. [Functions (Live serv.)] These functions can be use on Live or Private servers. Wallclimb: You can climb every mountains Walljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of wallclimb) Walk-on-water: Allow you to walk on water Walk-under-water: Allow you to walk under water Super-jump: Allow you to jump higher (Put the value you want in the Inputbox bellow) Faction: Allow you to change of faction.

You won't be able to attack the members of your faction, but you'll be able to see the level/PvP stats/talents/. Of members of the opposite faction. Disable M2 collisions: Allow you to go through 'objects' (trees, etc.) Disable WMO collisions: Allow you to go though buildings Noclip: Disable M2 + WMO collisions Tracking: Allow you to track units on your minimap (like hunters) and to display ressources. • XYZ: Manual: One keypress move your character of a step. Automatic: One keypress move your character continuously (To stop moving, press the 1 key of the Numpad) /!

(Numpad) 7: Up 9: Down 8: North 5: South 6: East 4: West 1: Stop moving (If you're in Automatic mod) /! Please, disactivate XYZ when you want to type something. If you press a Numpad key while you're typing, your character will be teleport without turning, so you'll be disconnect if you move. No-Clip Action: Teleport you a bit forward by pressing the shortcut key (Default: F3).

(DONT USE IT CONTINUOUSLY!) Only on VERY short distance (to go through a wall/door for example) • Shortcuts: They can be assigned by the Shotcut button (you have to check the Shortcut's checkbox to make them active). Only use ONE unique shortcut per function.

[Player] (Client-side only) (Work on live servers) Alcohol: Make you drunk! Titre: Display a title before your pseudo. You need to Disactivate/Activate your name in options to see it. Code: [B][I][Nom de la destination][/I][/B] [B][I]Type:=[/I][/B]Whatever you want (This line is only here to make the program compatible with WEH lists) [B][I]MapID:=[/I][/B]ID of the map [B][I]XPos:=[/I][/B]X coordinate [B][I]YPos:=[/I][/B]Y coordinate [B][I]ZPos:=[/I][/B]Z coordinate [B][I]Comment:=[/I][/B]Comment. ^^You have to keep the same file's name and extension (.ini). But as I said, you don't need to use this if you use the teleport list who's included with the program.

To teleport, you just have to click on a destination and then, click on 'Teleport'. [Other] On top: Put the window in the foreground. Transparence: Make the window transparent. Reset: Reset all the program's options. 'WoW List': If you launch several WoW, you'll be able to choose wich WoW you want to cheat on by selecting his PID (writed in the top right hand column (on screenshots, 3 WoW are launched)) Settings: Allow you to change some settings: • language • use default interface • keep functions activated after closing program • activate some functions at launch You must start the program when you're character is in game. Download Dragon Drive World D Break English Rom. For Vista/Seven users, you'll may have to start the program with admins rights. Extract the files before launching the program!

Have fun ^^ EDIT 01.01.13: Reuploaded everything and added multiple links, but remember I'm not an active member anymore ^^.

This hack allows you to use your items without cooldowns, aka No Cooldown Hack. This is very useful if you are planing to kill members of the opposite fraction without any efforts. This is a Visual Basic 6 program that reads a text file called 'filter.txt' for strings to search and replace in the itemcache. Ashrae Handbook Refrigeration - The Best Free Software For Your. wdb file.

Requirements 1. No_Cooldown.rar 2. Archiving program to open.rar files. WinRar is recommended for Windows Users. Instructions: 1.

Open your Windows Explorer and navigate to your WoW folder. Make sure that WoW itself is closed! Open the cache folder and continue opening the subfolders, till you find a folder which contains 'itemcache.wdb'. Place the 'No-CD.exe' and the 'filter.txt' from the 'No_Cooldown.rar' in that folder.

(Itemcache.wdb should be in that folder as well.) 4. Launch the program, by clicking the 'No-CD.exe'. Click on 'remove item cooldowns'. Note: This can take some minutes. Wait till the window caption changes to 'done'. Start WoW again and see if your itemcooldowns are removed. Most of the 2 minute, 3 minute, 5 minute cooldowns removed and all potions should have a 2 second cooldown.