
France Fromage

France Fromage 5,7/10 8472reviews
Region De France Fromage

Jump to French - French[edit]. French Wikipedia has an article on: fromage Wikipedia. This is a list of cheeses from France. Traditionally, there are from 350 to 450 distinct types of French cheese grouped into eight categories 'les huit familles de fromage'. There can be many varieties within each type of cheese, leading some to claim closer to 1,000 different types of French cheese.

Share The study team from Aarhus University, Denmark, looked into recent research on dairy products' positive effects on health which casts doubt on the once-firm rule that saturated fats are bad for our hearts. One study found that cheese reduced so-called bad cholesterol when compared to butter with the same fat content, suggesting that high cheese consumption could help explain the French paradox. To further investigate this possible explanation, study leader Hanne Bertram and colleagues team looked into how cheese is digested. Previous research found that drinking red wine also cuts the risk of cardiovascular problems The researchers compared urine and faecal samples from 15 healthy men whose diets either contained cheese or milk, or who ate a control diet with butter but no other dairy products. They found that those who consumed cheese had higher levels of butyrate, a compound produced by gut bacteria.

Higher levels of the chemical were linked to a reduction in cholesterol. Writing in the report, Ms Bertram said: 'This study suggests that cheese could be an important piece in the French paradox puzzle. 'Cheese was associated with a different metabolic response when compared with milk consumption. 'However, further studies are needed to explore the exact mechanisms linking cheese consumption, stimulation of gut bacteria and cholesterol.' The findings were published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The findings echo results of a recently-published Swedish study, which said eating plenty of cheese and yoghurt could be the key to staving off diabetes.

Eating high fat cheese and yoghurt lowered the risk of type 2 diabetes by a quarter, but high fat meat increased the risk. Lead researchers Dr Ulrika Ericson said: ‘Those who ate the most high-fat dairy products had a 23 per cent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who ate the least.'

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This little restaurant made me fall in love with Paris even more. As I strolled the streets alone on a mission to chase Space Invader, my eyes looked up and my nose wiggled.

A restaurant with a simple moniker comprising 3 of life's finest things. Not one to be shy to eat alone I popped my head in only to be told I'd be waiting an hour or more.

I sat mournfully on the little bench outside wondering where my feet would take me next, as here I had found my culinary Mecca in that exact moment. I glazed over and continued my silent lament, only to be surprised by a tap on my shoulder.

They had a table for me. A smile broader than the Cheshire Cat beamed across my visage like a crescent moon as I sat and inhaled the stunningly mephitic surroundings. They gifted me a glass of champagne as I perused the menu, ordering a gluttonous amount of cheese (as well as Raclette) which I consumed gleefully with salad. It was the best date I've ever had with myself.

Next time I'm a very good girl I'm taking myself back. Best meal I had in Paris:) We tried to make a reservation the day of, but the only time slot they had available was 9:30pm so we ended up having a late dinner. The restaurant has a very home-y feel to it, and the employees were very friendly. They have an English menu, which is a plus. We ordered the fondue savoyarde (which comes with bread), along with a plate of mixed ham and a salad. Omega Trust Prosperity Program Funds.